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Interview of Claire Ralston, founder of Berlin based natural skincare Merme


Claire Ralston, originally from Australia, passion for clean skincare started when studying at the Australian College of Natural Beauty, where she took particular interest in the effectiveness of non-clinical and natural beauty methods. This, combined with a further ten years in the magazine and beauty industry resulted in one conclusion: Even the so-called “natural” skincare products were full of unnecessary chemicals and toxins.

After moving to Berlin in 2014, she was unable to find good-for-you organic, skincare ingredients that gave her that sought after healthy glow, so began sourcing them herself – from then, MERME was born. Launched in 2016, MERME Berlin has grown from a singular face oil to over 12 different options for clean skincare that can be combined into an individualised treatment formula. The key product is a cold-pressed Rosehip oil inspired by the beauty routine of Claire’s grandmother, whose nickname is also the brands namesake.​ Her minimal-ingredient philosophy was inspired by her late grandmother, who always used homemade, organic oils to cure any skin alignment.

  1. 1. What is the story behind the creation of your own skincare brand?

After moving to Berlin in 2014, I struggled to find clean, vegan yet highly effective natural products. I couldn’t buy my beloved rosehip oil that I used religiously in Australia. I decided to import it for myself and friends, then friends of friends contacted me, and it all organically grew from there. I developed my minimal ingredient idea as I’ve always had the belief that when you dilute ingredients too much, they lose their effect. We strip each product down to its bare minimum, using the least amount of ingredients possible. I think our customers are really drawn to this simplicity, transparency and trust that they’re giving their skin the most pure products.

  1. 2. What does skincare and wellbeing mean to you?

Being comfortable and happy in your own skin. I don’t think skincare should be complicated or a 10-step process. It should all be done in fun and with balance and to add more to your life, not another chore.

  1. 3. What is your daily self-care routine?

I like to keep it simple – I wake up, wash my face, do my morning skincare routine (Facial Antioxidant Mist, then the Collagen and Hydration Serums, followed by the Facial Beauty Elixir). 2-3 nights a week, I will add in the Deep Clean Facial to exfoliate and detoxify my skin.

  1. 4. What do the following terms mean for you?
  • – Clean: At its core, clean beauty means that the ingredients used are safe, non-toxic and are not risking your own health.
  • – Organic: products that are only made from organic ingredients – which means no GMOs, herbicides, synthetic fertilisers and other nasties.
  • Natural: We have a very high standard of “natural”. We know that this word gets thrown around a lot, but for us, it means that only clean, or if possible organic, ingredients are used. Natural products should not be harmful to your body or the environment.

  • – Sustainable: Sustainability is extremely important to us – We are always seeking to minimise our impact on the environment as much as possible. Skincare should be not only safe for you, but also our planet. We therefore only vegan & cruelty-free ingredients, and have eliminated our synthetic ingredients that harm our ecosystem. We further minimize our use of packaging and plastic by only using reusable glass bottles, resusable cotton bags (instead of boxed packaging) and eco-friendly bubble wrap.
  • – Ethical: For us, its super important for us to always be 100% transparent about our ingredients, manufacturing process and product recommendations. We provide customizable routines so you know what works best for your skin type, and you don’t spend money on products you don’t need
  1. 5. Any projects or launches planned for 2021?

Yes we have new products launching summer this year which we are super excited to share very soon!!

  1. 6. What do you feel more grateful for?

Our community – we have the most loyal, kind and conscious clients. We have been especially grateful for them during this time of the pandemic, who have shown support and love to us throughout.

If you want more information like this please sign up to our website here.

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