Könse Beauty Plataforma Multimarca de Cosmética Natural

Welcome to KŌNSE BEAUTY, your new honest, organic, natural, sustainable and ethical beauty and wellness platform!

We believe that beauty begins within: how we treat our bodies, minds and environment. We offer you a selection of products carefully curated  from mostly European brands with a high standard of sustainability and transparency. In addition to these products, we have talks and workshops focused on a conscious lifestyle. In them we can talk, learn and empower ourselves. Welcome to a new beauty and sustainability movement!

Why us?

We want to facilitate your customer experience in your search for truly honest and sustainable products. The products are mainly produced in Europe and are selected following our values.

We also work on connectivity and the creation of a community for people like you who are aware and have like-minded ideas regarding a healthy lifestyle.

Why now?

Transparency is key and we know how important it is, as a conscious and consistent consumer with a healthy and respectful lifestyle, to stay away from the “greenwashing” scene.

Konse Beauty Packaging Sostenible
Könse Beauty Linea de Productos

Our product selection

Our entire selection  is here to help you understand the benefits of each of them knowing that these are highly effective. We assure you transparency and honesty in our selection of natural and sustainable beauty.

The brands carefully selected are cruelty free, respectful with the environment and with the means of extraction of their botanical active ingredients.

The quality of these products is an essential requirement for a brand to be on our platform.

How do we select our products?

Each product has been selected with a meticulous research work in which we study its ingredients, the history of the brand and its way of working, the relationship with the environment and with its workers and, of course, the history behind them, that inspires us to lead a life more consistent with our ideas and principles.

Each of our products has been tested before being included in KŌNSE so we can honestly assure you its effectiveness.

Könse Beauty Nuestros Productos


Honesty & Sustainability

Natural, Organic & Conscious

Conscious Beauty and Wellness



Our brands (& we keep growing)


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