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Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!


If someone would have told me a year ago that this year would have unfolded this way I would not have believed them.

It’s possibly been one of the most challenging years many of us had to face, being separated by loved ones during moments of sickness and uncertainty, going through sickness alone and living in a world governed by fear and negativity.

This year has also given me the chance to launch my dream, KŌNSE and for sure an eye opener, it has been a reminder of how much my loved ones mean to me, the importance of kindness, our planet and our health. It’s been beautiful to observe how conscious living is becoming a way of life for many of us and not just a trend. We are finally seeing a global movement that strives to prioritise our health and our planet.

At KŌNSE , we have learnt the importance of cherishing every single moment alone and surrounded by people we care for.

At this time of the year I wanted to say thank you for being a part of our community. I am on a mission to make a positive impact on our world , and it wouldn’t be possible without people like you, who are committed to making a change, who are eager to learn, and believe in supporting small business and a dream. We launched KŌNSE during a pandemic, and we remained resilient and positive throughout every single day, even the hard ones and trust me we had a few. We celebrated a couple of Masterclasses for some of the brands we love , and most recently we launched our skin quiz, where we continue to share our knowledge and guide our community on the right direction towards their ideal skincare routine. We strive to inspire people to live healthier, happier conscious lives in the best way we know how.

2021 is going to be a pivotal year for everyone, and we have so many exciting things planned. We have some lovely new brands joining our family, online community events with people that inspire us in the planning , stay tuned!!

I am so excited to continue sharing my passion and knowledge with you! On behalf of my self and our small KŌNSE team we want to wish you a happy holiday, no matter how different they may look to ‘normal’, and please do remember to spend each moment investing in your health and happiness, in your loved ones and cherishing every moment.


Hanna, founder of KŌNSE