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Integrating Ayurveda into our beauty and wellness routine


Ayurveda condenses the wisdom of thousands of years of traditional Indian medicine and offers us solutions to maintain optimal health. At KŌNSE Beauty we are lovers of plan-based skincare and, therefore, a  philosophy that advocates using this type of ingredients and maintaining the care and balance of the body, mind and spirit seems most attractive to us.

One of the singularities of Ayurveda is that it looks for the root of the problem and tries to eliminate it, rather than simply alleviating the symptoms that arise from it. In the case of the skin, we can see it as a reflection of the state of our internal body. 

So the first thing we must do to integrate the principles of Ayurveda in our life is to ask ourselves: what does our skin tell us about what is happening inside? Depending on your prakriti or constitution, the way you approach the problem will be different.

To better understand what prakriti is, we will first talk about the doshas. Ayurvedic science is based in the belief that there are three predominant vital energies or forces: air, fire, and water. These same forces are called doshas when used to refer to the human constitution, and can be Vata (air), Pitta (fire and water), or Kapha (water and earth).

In short, we recommend that you find out which is your predominant dosha to get the most out of it.

Ayurveda condenses the wisdom of thousands of years of traditional Indian medicine and offers us solutions to maintain optimal health. At KŌNSE Beauty we are lovers of plan-based skincare and, therefore, a  philosophy that advocates using this type of ingredients and maintaining the care and balance of the body, mind and spirit seems most attractive to us.

One of the singularities of Ayurveda is that it looks for the root of the problem and tries to eliminate it, rather than simply alleviating the symptoms that arise from it. In the case of the skin, we can see it as a reflection of the state of our internal body. 

So the first thing we must do to integrate the principles of Ayurveda in our life is to ask ourselves: what does our skin tell us about what is happening inside? Depending on your prakriti or constitution, the way you approach the problem will be different.

To better understand what prakriti is, we will first talk about the doshas. Ayurvedic science is based in the belief that there are three predominant vital energies or forces: air, fire, and water. These same forces are called doshas when used to refer to the human constitution, and can be Vata (air), Pitta (fire and water), or Kapha (water and earth).

In short, we recommend that you find out which is your predominant dosha to get the most out of it.

Ayurveda in your daily care routine: recommendations according to your type of dosha

Now that we have given you a mini introduction to the world of Ayurveda, it is time to take action: how to apply it in your day to day?

At KŌNSE Beauty we are committed to organic, plant-based and sustainable skincare and many of our day and night creams and serums can help you, but today we share some tips on how to take care of yourself from the inside.

Dosha Vata

Vata skin type is dry, uneven toned, prone to fine lines & wrinkles. It is likely to have a thin texture with fine pores. This skin type is likely to show early signs of ageing as their skin tends to get dry, dehydrated and flaky when their Dosha is imbalanced.

Spices like ginger can be great for you, and if you want to indulge yourself, you should try Cosmic Dealer’s cocoa with adaptogens. It also contains Ashwagandha, a plant that has been used for centuries to regulate blood sugar levels, calm anxiety, stress and cravings.

There is another option with Blue Cornflower and pea flower is ideal to stimulate collagen production and soothe tired skin that is a delight.

Dosha Pita

Pitta skin is characterised by heat. Pittas are easily aggravated and cannot tolerate the sun. They are prone to inflammations, rashes and acne and the skin flushes easily, appearing red. The skin is commonly freckled and, as pitta is a by-product of the blood tissue, they also often have deep red lips. Natural ingredients that you should incorporate into your routine are Aloe vera, sandalwood and turmeric.

Another way to integrate Ayurveda into your daily routine can be to start each morning by lighting a stick of Cosmic Dealer Ashram Ayurvedic incense. It is one hundred percent natural and free of any synthetic fragrance and contains sandalwood and various Himalayan herbs.

If you want to succumb to a sweet temptation, Cosmic Dealer’s 85% cocoa chocolate with cherry and fennel is digestive and stimulates the metabolism.

Dosha Kapha

When in balance, kapha skin is pale, soft, supple, cool and slightly moist. It has been said that people of kapha nature have skin like a china doll. When out of balance, this skin-type is prone to excess oil, cystic acne, large pores, congestion and excess moisture.

For a good cleanse  start your morning with the infusion “She Woke Up and Conquered the World” by Cosmic Dealer. It contains green tea, a powerful detoxifier, tulsi, a plant that will help improve your immunity, and moringa and ginger, to maximize your energy levels.

To integrate Ayurveda into your day-to-day life, consider what you can do to lead a more balanced lifestyle in which you take care of both your mind and your body, inside and out.

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